Add a Job to Your Career Path

Select a job that suits your current skills and competencies, or one into which you want to grow, then add the job to your career path.

To add a job to your career path:

  1. Click Career Center > Career Development > Career Paths.
  2. On the My Career Paths screen, click the Actions menu and click Add Jobs to Career Path.
  3. Use any of the search criteria to find jobs that interest you.
    • If you select a Skill Category or Competency Category, individual skills and competencies display.

    • To select an individual item, click the item and use the right arrow to move it to the right field.

    • To select all of the items, click any item and use the double right arrow to move all items to the right field.

  4. Click Search to display a list of jobs that match your search criteria.
  5. To see how well suited you are for the job:
    • Click a job name to see the Position Profile, which includes a description of the role and its requirements, salary information, and the required training.

    • Click to see a Gap Analysis, comparing your skills and competencies to the skills and competencies required to do the job. 

    • Click to see a Radar Graph Analysis of Gaps.

  6. Select any jobs that you want to add to your career path.
  7. Click Select Jobs.

    Your manager must approve any additions that you make before they become a part of your career path.